"O homem é o animal mais cruel para consigo; e sempre que ouvirdes alguém chamar-se "pecador" ou "penitente", ou falar da "sua cruz", não vos esqueçais de ouvir a voluptuosidade que respiram essas queixas e essas acusações."
"A sociedade humana é uma tentativa: eis o que eu ensino: uma longa investigação; mas procura o que mando.
Uma tentativa, meus irmãos, e não um "contrato". Rompei com tais palavras dos corações covardes e dos amigos de composições!"
Friedrich Nietzsche
"What is very important is to ask ourselves these fundamental questions, and to be utterly responsible in finding not only the answer, but, in the very answering of these questions, to act.
Because with us action is not part of the question and its answer. Surely in the fact of asking these fundamental questions and in discovering the answers for ourselves, that very discovery must be expressed in action.
The questioning, the answering and the action are simultaneous and not separate.
Because when they are separate then everything is broken up into departments, categories; and out of that division arise prejudices, conflicts, opinions and judgments.
Whereas, it seems to me, if we could really ask, in the very asking we would discover the understanding of question and action; they are not separate.
And during these talks, I hope we shall be able not only to ask ourselves these questions but also to understand them, not intellectually or verbally, but with our hearts and with our minds. In this process of understanding, action takes place."
"It is definitely possible to bring about a totally new mind. But there are certain indications, certain necessary characteristics which do bring about that quality of newness.
They are affection or love and integrity. Most of us do not know what it means to be affectionate.
To us, it is a word which we casually use without much significance. Love is of course something very carefully guarded, something with which we are not so familiar, though we use the word so glibly, so facilely - love of the country, love of truth, love of life and many many loves that we talk about; and I do not think it has anything to do with this.
The ingredient - if I may use that word which is absolutely necessary is the quality of affection and integrity.
I don't mean by integrity any form of pattern of belief, nor do I mean it as integrity according to the experience through which one has to live; but I mean that integrity that comes about when you begin to observe every movement of your own thought and when no thought is hidden.
You do not wear a mask, you do not any longer pretend to be something other than what you actually are; and therefore there is no discipline, no fancy, no worship; and out of that comes the external sense of integrity I mean that kind of integrity, not the man who has belief and lives according to that belief, not the man who is sincere but with certain ideals, not the man who follows a certain discipline or tries to bring about an integration emotionally or intellectually.
Such efforts do not bring out integrity.
On the contrary, they increase conflict, misery. Whereas the integrity that we are talking about is the quality of seeing the fact every minute, not trying to translate the fact in terms of pleasure and pain, but letting the fact flower without choice, without opinion - out of which seeing comes integrity which is never altered. Now these two, affection and integrity, are necessary."
Jiddu Krishnamurti
“A posse é para o meu pensar uma lagoa absurda —
muito grande, muito escura, muito pouco profunda. Parece funda a água porque é
falsa de suja.
A morte? Mas a morte está dentro da vida. Morro
totalmente? Não sei da vida. Sobrevivo-me? Continuo a viver.
O sonho? Mas o sonho está dentro da vida. Vivemos o
sonho? Vivemos.
Sonhamo-lo apenas? Morremos. E a morte está dentro da
Como a nossa sombra a vida persegue-nos. -E só não há
sombra quando tudo é sombra.
A vida só nos não persegue quando nos entregamos a
O que há de mais doloroso no sonho é não existir.
Realmente, não se pode sonhar.
O que é possuir? Nós não o sabemos. Como querer então
poder possuir qualquer coisa?
Direis que não sabemos o que é a vida, e
vivemos... Mas nós vivemos realmente?
Viver sem saber o que é a vida será
Fernando Pessoa
“Is it not possible to live in this world without ambition, just
being what you are?
If you begin to understand what you are without trying to change it, then what you are undergoes a transformation.
I think one can live in this world anonymously, completely unknown, without being famous, ambitious, cruel.
One can live very
happily when no importance is given to the self; and this also is part of right education.
The whole world is worshipping success. You hear stories of how
the poor boy studied at night and eventually became a judge, or how he began by selling newspapers and ended up a
You are fed on the glorification of success.
achievement of great success there is also great sorrow; but most of us are
caught up in the desire to achieve, and success is much more importante to us than the understanding and dissolution of sorrow.”
Jiddu Krishnamurti
"The book of life"
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