
quarta-feira, 18 de março de 2015

Our Reality...

  Our  Reality ... 

A única atitude digna de um homem superior é o persistir tenaz de uma actividade que se reconhece inútil, o hábito de uma disciplina que se sabe estéril, e o uso fixo de normas de pensamento filosófico e metafísico cuja importância se sente ser nula.


A maioria dos homens vive com espontaneidade uma vida fictícia e alheia.
A maioria da gente é outra gente, disse Oscar Wilde, e disse bem. Uns gastam a vida na busca de qualquer coisa que não querem; outros empregam-se na busca do que querem e lhes não serve; outros ainda se perdem.
Mas a maioria é feliz e goza a vida sem isso valer.
Em geral, o homem chora pouco, e, quando se queixa, é a sua literatura.
O pessimismo tem pouca viabilidade como fórmula democrática.
Os que choram o mal do mundo são isolados — não choram senão o próprio.
Um Leopardi, um Antero não têm amado ou amante?
O universo é um mal.
Um Vigny é mal ou pouco amado?
O mundo é um cárcere.
Um Chateaubriand sonha mais que o possível?
A vida humana é tédio.
Um Job é coberto de bolhas?
A terra está coberta de bolhas. Pisam os calos do triste?
Ai dos pés dos sóis e das estrelas.
Alheia a isto e chorando só o preciso e no menos tempo que pode — quando lhe morre o filho que esquecerá pelos anos fora, salvo nos aniversários — quando pensando e chora enquanto não arranja outro, ou se não adapta ao estado de perda — a humanidade continua digerindo e amando.
A vitalidade recupera e reanima. Os mortos ficam enterrados.
As perdas ficam perdidas.
Quando vejo um gato ao sol lembra-me sempre do homem ao sol.


A metafísica pareceu-me sempre uma forma prolongada da loucura latente.
Se conhecêssemos a verdade, vê-la-íamos; tudo (o) mais é sistema e arredores. Basta-nos, se pensarmos, a incompreensibilidade do universo; querer compreendê-lo é ser menos que homens, porque ser homem é saber que se não compreende.
Trazem-me a fé como um embrulho fechado numa salva alheia.
Querem que o aceite, mas que o não abra.
Trazem-me a ciência, como uma faca num prato, com que abrirei as folhas de um livro de páginas brancas.
Trazem-me a dúvida, como pó dentro de uma caixa; mas para que me trazem a caixa se ela não tem senão pó?
Na falta de saber, escrevo; e uso os grandes termos da Verdade. Alheios conforme as exigências da emoção.
Se a emoção é clara e fatal, falo, naturalmente, dos Deuses, e assim a enquadro numa consciência do mundo múltiplo. Se a emoção é profunda, falo, naturalmente, de Deus, e assim a engasto numa consciência una.
Se a emoção é um pensamento, falo, naturalmente, do Destino, e assim a encosto à parede.
Umas vezes o próprio ritmo da frase exigirá Deus e não Deuses: outras vezes impor-se-ão as duas sílabas de Deuses e mudo verbalmente de universo; outras vezes pesará o contrário, as necessidades de uma rima íntima, um deslocamento do ritmo, um sobressalto de emoção e o politeísmo ou o monoteísmo amolda-se e prefere-se. Os Deuses são uma função do estilo.


 Há uma erudição do conhecimento, que é propriamente o que se chama erudição, e há uma erudição do entendimento, que é o que se chama cultura.
Mas há também uma erudição da sensibilidade.
A erudição da sensibilidade nada tem a ver com a experiência da vida.
A experiência da vida nada ensina, como a história nada informa.
A verdadeira experiência consiste em restringir o contacto com a realidade e aumentar a análise desse contacto.
Assim a sensibilidade se alarga e aprofunda, porque em nós está tudo; basta que o procuremos e o saibamos procurar.


Escrever é esquecer. A literatura é a maneira mais agradável de ignorar a vida. A música embala, as artes visuais animam, as artes vivas (como a dança e o representar) entretêm. A primeira, porém, afasta-se da vida por fazer dela um sono; as segundas, contudo, não se afastam da vida — umas porque usam de fórmulas visíveis e portanto vitais, outras porque vivem da mesma vida humana.
Não é esse o caso da literatura. Essa simula a vida. Um romance é uma história do que nunca foi e um drama é um romance dado sem narrativa.
Um poema é a expressão de ideias ou de sentimentos em linguagem que ninguém emprega, pois que ninguém fala em verso.

Fernando Pessoa
Excertos de “Livro do Desassossego“

A única realidade para mim são as minhas sensações.
Eu sou uma sensação minha.
Portanto nem da minha própria existência estou certo.
Posso está-lo apenas daquelas sensações a que eu chamo minhas.
A verdade?
É uma coisa exterior?
Não posso ter a certeza dela, porque não é uma sensação minha, e eu só destas tenho a certeza.
Uma sensação minha?
De quê?
Procurar o sonho é pois procurar a verdade, visto que a única verdade para mim, sou eu próprio. 
Isolar-se tanto quanto possível dos outros é respeitar a verdade.

Fernando Pessoa

In “Textos Filosóficos“

The Brain: 
A Record of the Past or the Map to the Future?

Memories, Habits, Fantasies, Fears, Hopes, Skills The Brain: Record of the Past or Map to the Future

(1) Everything that makes us up; the "you” and the "me”- our thoughts, our dreams, our memories, our hopes, our secret fantasies, our fears, our skills, our habits, our pains and our joys - is etched in the living lattice work of 100 billion brain cells. 
If you learn even one bit of information today, tiny brain cells will make new connections between them, and who "you" are will be altered.

The images that we create in our mind as we process different streams of consciousness leave footprints in the vast endless fields of neurological landscape, which contribute to the identity called "you”.
For the "you" as a sentient being is immersed and truly exists in the interconnected electrical web of cellular brain tissue.
How our nerve cells are specifically arranged by what we learn, what we remember, what we experience, what we feel, what we envision, as well as what we think about ourselves defines us individually and it is reflected in our internal neurological wiring. We are a work in progress.

Here is what I mean. According to the working model of neuroscience, mind is the brain in action.
Mind is the brain at work. It is the product of brain activity when it is animated with life. With 100 billion nerve cells seamlessly wired together, it becomes apparent that we can produce many different levels of mind.

For example, the mind we use to treat patients is different than the state of mind we use to drive our car.
We make the brain work differently when we brush our teeth compared to when we play the violin. Equally, we make a different mind when we play the victim in contrast to when we demonstrate joy. All of this is so because we can, quite simply, force gangs of nerve cells to fire in unique ways.

Not more than thirty or forty years ago, there was a unanimous belief in biology that the brain was hardwired, meaning that we are born with a certain amount of neurological connections and the finality in life was that we were going to turn out like our parents.
It was an accepted perception that this delicate organ was unable to upscale its hardware. But with the advent of the latest technologies in functional imagery it is apparent that it is very possible to make the brain work differently.
In fact, the research out of the University of Wisconsin has proven something as simple as attention or focused concentration is a skill just like golf or tennis. In other words, the more you practice being conscious or mindful the better you get at it.

In addition, functional imagery has clearly proven that we can also change the brain just by thinking differently. 
For example, people that never played the piano were divided into groups.

(2) The first group physically played one-handed finger exercises like scales and cords, and as a result of the new activity, their brains changed. The before and after results of the functional brain scans showed new areas of the brain activated.
In essence, not only did they make a new mind, literally new brain circuits flourished.

However, when a second group was asked to mentally rehearse the same scales and cords in their mind for the same amount of time, they grew the same amount of brain connections as the group who physically demonstrated the activity. Simply put, when we are truly focused and attentive, the brain does not know the difference between what is happening in our minds eye and what is happening in the external world.

Other research has proven similar results not only in the brain but in the body as well.
These tests have shown that there is veritable a mind-body connection - in fact, the mind changed the body. In one study, subjects who were asked to do a finger exercise against the resistance of a spring over the course of four weeks for an hour a day showed a 30 percent increase in muscle strength.

(3) Nothing special here. However, the second group never lifted a finger. They mentally practiced the same activity for the same length of time and demonstrated a 22 percent increase in muscle strength  without any physical activity.

Happy Meditator
This research is significant because it clearly showed that the body as well as the brain changed before the experience of really pulling the spring.
In other words, without touching the spring or physically doing the exercise, the body was stronger to reflect a mental effort not a physical effort. 
These two studies show that physical changes can occur by our thoughts, our intentions, and our meditations.

So, when you take the time out of your busy schedule and begin to intentionally dream a new reality, plan a new life, set a new practice goal, or design a new event for you to experience in your future, just remember that your brain is rewiring itself to your desires and your body is being reconditioned in order to prepare itself for that new event.
Therefore, if you would mentally rehearse daily what it would be like to experience any event (just like the piano players), there would be internal changes taking place as if you were already beginning to experience your dream.

By applying this understanding to the quantum model, which states that our subjective mind has an effect or control over our objective world (consciousness creates reality), we can begin to explore the idea that if our brain and our bodies are evidencing physical changes to look like the experience has already happened as a result of our mental efforts well before the physical manifestation has occurred, then theoretically the experience will find us!

By Dr. Joe Dispenza

As seen in Science to Sage E-Magazine
Dream a New Reality

"The Brain:  A Record of the Past or the Map to the Future?"

©2014 Encephalon, LLC

Matter and Consciousness:

How Our Thoughts 
Create Our Reality

Dr. Joe Dispenza claims that every time we learn something new, hundreds of thousands of our neurons change, which affects the state of our physical body.

 Dr. Dispenza is known worldwide for his original theory of the connection between mind and matter.

 The scientist gained his greatest fame after the release of his acclaimed documentary “We know what makes a signal” in 2004.

His research helped disclose the extraordinary possibilities of consciousness and its ability to create synaptic connection with a strong concentration.

Just imagine: with each new sensation, vision or emotional experience a new connection between two of more than 100,000 million brain cells is inevitably formed.

But to really make changes, one needs to concentrate on the reinforcement of the conditioned reflex.

If, within a short period of time such an experience takes place again, the connection will be strengthened.

If the experiment is not repeated for a long time, the relationship will become weaker or disappears at all. Science regards the brain as something static and fixed, but in fact it has a strong ability to change.

Recent studies in neuroscience have shown that the effect of each body experiences in our thinking organ (fatigue, fear, joy, cold) acts to change our brain.

“What if just by thinking we make our inner alchemy out of the normal state so often that the self-regulation system of the body eventually considers this abnormal state to be the normal one?” – Asks Dr. Dispenza in his book “Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind” published in 2007.

Dispenza insists that the brain is not able to distinguish between a physical sensation and an emotional experience.

Thus, when our minds are always focused on the negative thoughts, our “gray matter” can easily be deceived and bring the body into a painful state.

Dispenza proves his point with the help of the experiment, during which the volunteer pressed a springy device with his ring finger for an hour a day, during four weeks.

After the experiment the finger became 30 percent stronger. At the same time, another group of volunteers had to imagine doing the same, but in fact they never saw or touched the device. Four weeks later their fingers were also strengthened by 22 percent!

For years, scientists have been studying the ways in which consciousness controls matter: from the placebo effect (when a person begins to feel better after allegedly taking drugs) to the practice of Tummo (the practice of Tibetan Buddhism, as a result of which the practitioners are sweating, meditating at a temperature below zero). Such an influence of the practice on physical condition is just a by-product, which appears as a result of chemical reactions between neurons.

The research of Dr. Dispenza was interrupted by the onset of the crisis in his life. When riding a bike the doctor was struck by a car. To gain the ability to walk again, he had to go through a procedure that might be causing him chronic pain for life. Dispenza decided to challenge science and get himself out of this situation through the power of his thoughts, and it worked. Nine months later Dispenza was able to walk again. Inspired by this success, he decided to dedicate his life to exploring the mind-body connection. Determined to explore the ability of the power of mind to treat the body, Dr. Dispenza interviewed countless number of people who had experienced what he calls a “spontaneous remission.” These were people with serious illnesses who had chosen to ignore the traditional treatment, but never fully recovered. Dispenza came to the conclusion that all these people had the understanding that their thoughts determine their health condition. When they focused on changing their thoughts, their diseases disappeared in an incredible way.

Regardless of the fact that Dispenza managed to demonstrate the ability of thoughts to transform the physical condition, yet many are skeptical about his ideas. His theory of “faith in one’s own reality” seems to be related to pseudoscience and does not sound very scientific.

Perhaps the science is not yet ready to recognize that the physical condition can be changed with the help of the power of consciousness, but Dr. Dispenza, however, argues that this is really happening.

“I don’t expect that science will allow us to go further because if we do, then it will turn into a form of religion. We should remain “outsiders” and do something supernormal. When we have complete confidence in our abilities, we will create a new science”, says Dispenza. 

Tito Colaço


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