Love is
How can man live without love?
Without love is control, confusion, and pain...
"The world is always close to catastrophe. But it seems to be closer now.
Seeing this approaching catastrophe, most of us take shelter in idea.
We think that this catastrophe, this crisis, can be solved by an ideology.
Ideology is always an impediment to direct relationship, which prevents action. We want peace only as an idea, but not as an actuality. We want peace on the verbal level, which is only on the thinking level, though we proudly call it the intellectual level.
But the word peace is not peace. Peace can only be when the confusion which you and another make ceases. We are attached to the world of ideas and not to peace. We search for new social and political patterns and not for peace; we are concerned with the reconciliation of effects and not in putting aside the cause of war.
This search will bring only answers conditioned by the past. This conditioning is what we call knowledge, experience; and the new changing facts are translated, interpreted, according to this knowledge.
So, there is conflict between what is and the experience that has been. The past, which is knowledge, must ever be in conflict with the fact, which is ever in the present.
So, this will not solve the problem but will perpetuate the conditions that have created the problem."
Jiddu Krishnamurti
"The book of life"
"Tendes de pagar o preço da paz. Tendes de o pagar, voluntária e
alegremente, e esse preço é o libertar-vos da luxúria, da malevolência, da
mundanidade, da ignorância, do preconceito e do ódio.
Se ocorresse em vós mudança tão radical, poderíeis cooperar para o advento de um mundo pacífico e sensato."
Jiddu Krishnamurti
"O egoísmo e o problema da paz"
"How can man live without love?
can only exist, and existence without love is control, confusion, and pain, and
that is what most of us are creating. We organize for existence and we accept
conflict as inevitable because our existence is a ceaseless demand for power.
Surely, when we love, organization has its own place, its right place; but
without love, organization becomes a nightmare, merely mechanical and
efficient, like the army; but as modern society is based on mere efficiency, we
have to have armies and the purpose of an army is to create war.
Even in
so called peace, the more intellectually efficient we are, the more ruthless,
the more brutal, the more callous we become. That is why there is confusion in
the world, why bureaucracy is more and more powerful, why more and more
governments are becoming totalitarian. We submit to all this as being
inevitable because we live in our brains and not in our hearts, and therefore
love does not exist.
Love is the most dangerous and uncertain element in life;
and because we do not want to be uncertain, because we do not want to be in
danger, we live in the mind.
A man who loves is dangerous, and we do not want
to live dangerously; we want to live efficiently, we want to live merely in the
framework of organization because we think organizations are going to bring
order and peace in the world.
Organizations have never brought order and peace.
Only love, only goodwill, only mercy can bring order and peace, ultimately and
therefore now."
book of life"
"Como pode o homem viver sem amor?
Nós só podemos existir, e existência sem amor é controle, confusão e dor, e é isso que a maioria de nós está a criar. Nós organizamos a existência e aceitamos o conflito como inevitável porque a nossa existência é uma incessante demanda por poder.
Certamente, quando amamos, a organização tem o seu próprio lugar, o seu lugar correcto; mas sem amor, a organização torna-se um pesadelo, meramente mecânica e eficiente, como o exército; mas como a sociedade moderna se baseia em mera eficiência, temos que ter exércitos e o propósito de um exército é criar guerra. Mesmo na chamada paz, quanto mais intelectualmente somos, mais cruéis, mais violentos, mais insensíveis nos tornamos.
Por isso há confusão no mundo, por isso a burocracia é mais e mais poderosa, por isso mais e mais governos se tornam totalitários. Nós nos submetemos a tudo isto como sendo inevitável porque vivemos nos nossos cérebros e não nos nossos corações, e assim, o amor não existe. O amor é o elemento mais perigoso e incerto na vida; e porque não queremos ter incerteza, porque não queremos ficar em perigo, nós vivemos na mente.
Um homem que ama é perigoso, e não queremos viver perigosamente; queremos viver eficientemente, queremos viver meramente na estrutura da organização porque pensamos que as organizações nos trarão ordem e paz para o mundo.
As organizações nunca produziram ordem e paz no mundo. Só o amor, só a boa vontade, só a clemência pode produzir ordem e paz no final, e portanto, agora."
"What was astonishing to him was how people seemed to run out of their own being, run out of whatever the stuff was that made them who they were and, drained of themselves, turn into the sort of people they would once have felt sorry for.
It was as though while their lives were rich and full they were secretly sick of themselves and couldn't wait to dispose of their sanity and their health and all sense of proportion so as to get down to that other self, the true self, who was a wholly deluded fuckup."
Philip Roth
"American Pastoral"
"Do no violence to yourself, respect in yourself the oscillations of feeling. They are your life and your nature; One wiser than you ordained them.
Do not abandon yourself altogether either to instinct or to will. Instinct is a siren, will a despot.
Be neither the slave of your impulses and sensations of the moment, nor of an abstract and general plan; be open to what life brings from within and without, and welcome the unforeseen; but give to your life unity, and bring the unforeseen within the lines of your plan.
Let what is natural in you raise itself to the level of the spiritual, and let the spiritual become once more natural. Thus will your development be harmonious, and the peace of heaven will shine upon your brow; always on condition that your peace is made, and that you have climbed your calvary."
Henri Amiel
"Intime journal"
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