
sábado, 16 de abril de 2016

Rebuild yourself...

"What is the problem? 
Is the problem merely economic? 

That is what most of the world is pursuing at the present time. 
All the economic conditions give immediate effect to certain problems. 

That is the way of the politician and that is what most of us are satisfied with. 
The immediate remedy is reform. 

Is the problem intellectual, verbal, or is the problem a total revolution of one's own being at all levels of our existence, socially, morally, educationally, and religiously? 

Because, it is only when there is a total revolution that we can find out what is the truth, and it is the truth that will build and not those who labor in vain to build something which is traditional, which is of the immediate."

"To build, many are needed, many to understand the problem, and the understanding is not given by a leader, by a guru, or by a Master. These are all childish inquiries. 

Understanding comes when we know how to still the conscious mind, how a conscious mind, by facing the problem, becomes still. 

It is only when the mind is conscious, when the mind is utterly quiet without a background, without striving for its own vested interests, that there is a possibility of total revolution, and it is only in that state of total revolution that it is possible to build, and the builder will not be in vain."

Jiddu Krishnamurti



"A única maneira de teres sensações novas é construires-te uma alma nova. 

Baldado esforço o teu se queres sentir outras coisas sem sentires de outra maneira, e sentires-te de outra maneira sem mudares de alma. 

Porque as coisas são como nós as sentimos, há quanto tempo sabes tu isto sem o saberes?

 E o único modo de haver coisas novas, de sentir coisas novas é haver novidade no senti-las.

Mudar de alma. Como? 
Descobre-o tu.

Desde que nascemos até que morremos mudamos de alma lentamente, como do corpo. 

Arranja meio de tornar rápida essa mudança, como com certas doenças, ou certas convalescenças, rapidamente o corpo se nos muda."

"A alma humana é vítima tão inevitável da dor que sofre a dor da surpresa dolorosa, mesmo com o que devia esperar.

Tal homem, que toda a vida falou da inconstância e da volubilidade feminina como de coisas naturais e típicas, terá toda a angústia da surpresa triste quando se encontre traído em amor, tal qual, não outro, como se tivesse sempre tido por dogma ou esperança a fidelidade e a firmeza da mulher.

Tal outro, que tem tudo por oco e vazio, sentirá como um raio súbito a descoberta de que têm por nada o que escreve, ou que é estéril o seu esforço por ensinar ou que é falsa a comunicabilidade da sua emoção.

Não há que crer que os homens, a quem estes desastres acontecem, e outros desastres como estes, houvessem sido pouco sinceros nas coisas que disseram, ou que escreveram, e em cuja substância esses desastres eram previsíveis ou certos. 

Nada tem a sinceridade da afirmação inteligente com a naturalidade da emoção espontânea. 

E isto parece poder ser assim, a alma parece poder assim ter surpresas, só para que a dor lhe não falte, o opróbio não deixe de lhe caber, a mágoa não lhe escasseie como quinhão igualitário na vida. 

Todos somos iguais na capacidade para o erro e para o sofrimento. 

Só não passa quem não sente; e os mais altos, os mais nobres, os mais previdentes, são os que vêm a passar e a sofrer do que previam e do que desdenhavam. 

É a isto que se chama a Vida."

Fernando Pessoa
"Livro do desassossego"

The problems at different levels of which we are conscious, our activities and the various crises that occur, offer an opportunity to discover, for ourselves, the ways of our thinking. 

If we are earnest, perhaps we follow a particular leader, a particular system of philosophy or action, forming groups which are in conjunction with other groups. 

Seeing all this wide confusion, not only in this unfortunate country but also throughout the world, what is our own individual response? 

Do we say someone else will solve these problems?

We turn to the politicians, communists or others; and if we are not at all inclined socially, we turn to religious gurus, masters, or to the various systems of philosophy, and hope that by following them studiously and earnestly we might be able to resolve or at least give a helping hand in this utter confusion and sadness of the world. 

Surely, we must have thought about all these. 
How are we torebuild, if we are at all thoughtful? 

Will this mad confusion bring about a transformation, a revolution, not merely at one particular level but a total revolution? I think that is really the problem.

(You're so) paralysed by your ego trips
Throwing stones until something sticks
What kind of mind views the world this way?
The time is right to make you pay

Face it, It's your life
You're just another man
Millions of people around the world
Don't give a damn about you

I know that your life's been hard
But you really were so screwed from the start

Why don't you spare us your misery
Don't you think you've got it good?
Over and over, the story always bends

Nothing to show for it
Open the other hand
Millions of people around the world
Don't give a damn about you

I know that your life's been hard
But you really were so screwed from the start

You smiling, rabid slave to the not so grand design
Show me just how you conjure deluded paradigms

Millilons of people around the world
Don't give a damn about you

I know that your life's been hard
But you really were so screwed from the start


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